As I was sorting through the photographs to go with today’s journal entry I couldn’t help but notice that all of the locals had their photograph taken wearing Matt’s hat! Matt did mention that there had been several people who had made offers to trade for his hat. I’m not sure why they wanted it so badly, did he trade it? I guess you’ll have to read a few more entries to find out …
Day 13 – July 28th
“Having received 8,000 KES back from the paint seller who overcharged us, we decided to spend it on buying windows for a third classroom. However I noticed that we were missing one of the thousand shilling bills, and after a complete recount, we established that exactly 1,000 KES has completely disappeared without a trace. It isn’t a huge amount but it is enough to knock the confidence a bit.
It turns out that Gavan still wasn’t comfortable with 3 people in a tent, so tonight’s trial is him with Adam, and Josh, Simran and Matt H sharing. Chris and I were so much more comfortable as a pair, but I am not completely convinced it is worth losing Gavan’s jokes and banter.
After painting for an hour, we had our now well established tea break during which boiled eggs were served. Unfortunately it was soon discovered that boiled was an optimistic term, and the eggs were practically raw. Luckily there was plenty of delicious locally grown tea, which we have been drinking on average about 10 cups a day of (2 or 3 with each meal and the ten o’clock tea break).
From 10 till 4 we worked solidly, I was trying to finish the first coat of paint on the interior of the first classroom.
We were then escorted by Joshua to the deputy headteacher’s house for afternoon tea. It was a surreal experience to participate in a fancy tea party in the middle of rural Kenya, but our hosts were very entertaining and we were provided with bread and butter, oranges and bananas.
The teacher (or Madame as we referred to her) had a one year old who was just learning to walk and was great fun. We sat in a circle and played “pass the baby” – you lost if the baby showed displeasure or tried to escape while in your arms.
After we left we were taken to meet Madame’s husband’s father – a very old Masai chief. He spoke no English, but carried himself with great dignity and strength.
His eldest son asked for a picture with the girl (we thought he meant Joshua’s bride-to-be who was with us) and then when Andy aimed his camera, he pulled Christian to his side! We concluded that he thought Chris was a girl, and as such re-dubbed her Christina. And that’s how Christian married a Kenyan man. Obviously the team were pretty much crying, and on the way back we completely ripped it out of him with puns and songs, some more subtle than others. As Andy put it: “he was taken to Bantanamo Bay.”
We got back expecting food to be in our near future, only to discover that our main course had escaped. As Joshua set about catching our runaway hen (he ended up following it for 3 km!), we tucked into ugali and spinach – yum.
We have decided on some songs to sing on Tuesday for our part of the entertainment:
The Temptations – Stand by me
Peter Kay – Amarillo
Ed Sheeran – Lego House (Chris & Gavan)
I hope that we aren’t a complete embarrassment.
As I am writing, we are in the middle of an immense thunderstorm. Chris thinks it is nice, but I am worried that our tent is less than waterproof. Time will tell.”
Loved the pictures amazing the one with the old Masai chief . Made me laugh l luv my tea they were proper tea bellies.
They certainly loved matts hat x
Glad you liked it. I think my favourite picture is Matt holding the baby. He looked so happy. He loved kids and was always talking about having his own one day
Loved the pictures amazing the one with the old Masai chief . Made me laugh l luv my tea they were proper tea bellies.
They certainly loved matts hat x
Glad you liked it. I think my favourite picture is Matt holding the baby. He looked so happy. He loved kids and was always talking about having his own one day